The amazing flower farms

We want you to know a little more about what we do in Fresh-o-Fair and our relationship with the farms that we work with, which are the same ones you can find on the platform.

We are currently working with twentyfive farms that produce roses, preserved and dyed roses, summer flowers, tropical flowers, foliage, among other products. They are all based in Ecuador and Colombia, mostly in the mountains.

All our farms info here:

The Farms

With Fresh-o-Fair we create and be a bridge between the farms in  South America and our customers in Europe and the USA.

How do we accomplish this?

In our platform you can choose the farm from which you want to buy the products.

In the same way, on every product page you can filter by box size (octave box ⅛, fourth box ¼ and half box ½) and stem length (this applies for certain the products) Moreover, at the moment of filtering these options, the platform will show you the farms that display availability of the product you chose.

The farms are responsible for providing the availability of the products while we, Fresh-o-Fair, take care of the logistics, transport, and all import issues of the products to Europe.

This is how the process works: the moment you make an order on our page, the corresponding farm is notified and they can begin packing your flowers in the box. Immediately after, the farm takes the flower box to the Airport. From that moment on, the package is taken over by Fresh-o-Fair.

In order for you to understand a little better the process through which your flowers pass until they reach you, we share a video with you, where you will be able to see in a summarized version of how a flower farm works, in this case Nevado Roses, located in the province of Cotopaxi, south of the Ecuadorian capital.

When you buy flowers in Fresh-o-Fair, you are buying directly from a flower farm in South America! Through Fresh-o-Fair your flowers arrive at their destination, your home or business anywhere, in the best of conditions so you can enjoy the best quality of fresh flowers longer.

All the processes of floriculture are standardized and are established under quality standards. Thanks to the work of the farms, at we can offer you more than three hundred varieties of flowers, regardless of the time of year with the convenience of ordering the products you desire online to arrive at your home or business; no need to leave.

